Okay, so your business is generating revenue from online marketing. And I assume you are finding the marketing spend affordable. In other words, your marketing is generating more returns than the amount of time, resources and money you’re investing in it. Awesome for your company! And you should continue with your strategies… Unfortunately, 90% businesses find marketing results unsatisfactory and loose interest in their own websites. For some of them, the learnings from DIY free marketing courses don’t work and for some others, expensive agency costs don’t convert to results. But in almost all cases of failed websites, the marketing lacks well defined strategic implementation.
Hence, if great results is not the case, it’s time you stop paying for your marketing. And I am not saying that you sign up for more free marketing courses. I am recommending the missing link, i.e. free marketing services, that can internally fund your future marketing costs right from the new sales generated… and not eat into your current funds.
Free marketing courses!
Okay, I have seen some awesome digital marketing courses that are available for free. And appreciate the effort that has been put into their creations. They are infact awesome for marketing enthusiasts and people pursuing careers in the field. And they can be a great start for DIY business owners who want basic functions.
But if you take a look at the best businesses today in your industry, they are armed with much more. Apart from an army of professionals and latest digital marketing mix, they also include generous potions of free marketing tools. And that’s what gives their campaigns a completely new perspective on performance. They also gain from the innovative and creative campaigns that the professionals bring in to generate healthier and better sustainable long term profits.
Alas… Not for every business!
Well, you can also use some free marketing courses to gain newbie insights into how digital marketing is done. But that can be a limitation by itself. Because marketing today has become far more complicated and technical than before. And you’d rather have a skilled team to work with you for your business growth. But where can a small business, a startup or an independent firm get the budget? Here’s the missing link after the free digital marketing courses…
Professional digital marketing team expertise for integrated digital marketing that your business needs
Start free and pay after results
Still not sure of how can a free marketing plan get you the best in class digital marketing mix? OR how can it make your business’s online presence more worthwhile than any of the learnings one can gain from free digital marketing courses? Join a live discussion to see how this can help your business.