About early signs of pregnancy

In other words, it is difficult for a woman to start feeling pregnancy within a couple of days of having intercourse. In some cases, some symptoms like tenderness of the breasts and mood changes may start from within 6 ~ 7 days past ovulation (DPO)

For some women, pregnancy symptoms usually occur about 2 weeks after ovulation.

Early signs of pregnancy – Latest roundup

Is this really pregnancy? This is one of the most common questions women have when planning for parenthood. And here starts the search for early signs of pregnancy that ranges from friendly discussions with close family members, online searches and in some cases a visit to the gynaec. Unfortunately, many of the early symptoms of pregnancy aren’t quite certain indicators. And in some cases, a woman may be pregnant without experiencing any of the known symptoms. So the best ways to confirm pregnancy is, either take home pregnancy tests or visit the doctor for a blood test. Because the earlier a pregnancy can be confirmed, the earlier the couple can start taking due pre-natal care.

Pregnancy symptoms in 1st and 2nd week

After approximately 6~7 days of conception, some women start experiencing sensitive breasts. This may be couple with increased irritability, drowsiness and fatigue. Some others may feel nausea-tic, have a feeling of vomiting, dizziness, and change in taste. There may be increased basal temperature, headache and some women may feel insomnia-tic. Continued below.

By the second week, a pregnant woman may experience a delay in the mensuration cycle. And there may be minor bloating, gas or constipation with heartburn. Some may feel an increased sense of smell, minor bleeding and increased frequency of urination. Swelling of the breasts, and darkening of the nipples may also be noticed. But for most women, the symptoms of pregnancy may start around the fifth or sixth week of DPO.

Early Signs Of 2nd Pregnancy

For a women planning for a second pregnancy, will the earliest symptoms be any different? This is another question a lot of would be 2nd time mothers have. Yes, in such cases, a woman may recognize the earliest signs even earlier, given the prior experiences. Though the symptoms will mostly remain the same as mentioned above. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible so proper care can be taken at the earliest.


    Contact: AKPI Women’s Hospital and IVF Clinic Nashik

    Address: Gaikwad Class Sabhagruh, Dr. A. K. Pawar Institute of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, CBS Rd, near Nashik, Kanhere Wadi, Charuhas
    Nashik, Maharashtra 422001

    Phone 1: +91 0253 2596797
    Phone 2: +91 0253 2596798
    Phone 3: +91 0253 2593938
    Email: help@get-pregnant.in
    Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 09:00-21:00

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    Specialites: IVF, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Reproductive Medicine
    Fertility Clinic

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