Dr. Subir Bhaduri is passionate about making prototypes and developing innovative products for NGOs and startups. He is deeply curious about science, technology and society and loves to pursue open source engineering for developing appropriate technologies. A doctorate in applied thermal engineering from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Dr.Subir has worked on various projects in some organizations before setting up his own SmallDesign firm in Pune.

Founder – SmallDesign
Tell us something about what you do.
I make physical working prototypes for people who have vague concepts and need to prove them. Also give some service where none affordable is available.
What inspired you to start your prototypes business and what has been your journey so far?
I love to make stuff, so its obvious I will come into prototype making one way or the other. I joined Vigyan Ashram where one had to make prototypes for rural problems and then eventually moved out to setup my own small workshop. Currently, I service only a 2-3 clients per year. Journey has been good.
What challenges are your prototypes solving?
I am making a solar spices roaster for deployment in rural areas where currently LPG gas is used. In another project I am making is a finger powered car clutch actuator that is mounted on the gear stick so that the driver can use his/her feet only for acceleration and braking. I am also making low cost highly customizable opensource control system for MSME plants which does process parameters logging (interfacing temperature and pressure sensors, etc) as well as algorithm based control actions such as controlling motors and pumps. I am also involved in making citizen science’ projects that are mostly self-funded where i build low cost opensource air pollution monitoring devices as well as rain monitoring devices, the data of which is uploaded every 1 hour to a publicly accessible website.
Source: Breathe2 – Opensource air pollution monitoring device providing online (Wifi/GPRS) data of PM levels, pressure, temperature and humidity
In today’s competitive business world, what are the solutions you offer and how are they unique?
I do niche jobs, so projects are very varied and different. Due to my willingness to get to R&D of any project, even if I do not have domain specific expertise, makes me offer a service that is not easily available.
How do your customers find you?
Mostly word-of-mouth.
How does the new media affect your work?
I learn a lot from the internet because I always work in very diverse projects. No book or teacher is available for my needs for such a task. Nothing can beat the the speed of information access as well as the immense depth if one wants to get into it, as the internet does. I interact with forums and learn from other’s experiences immensely.
How do you think digital branding and online presence would help your firm?
Currently due to the nature of my work, which is very niche and also because I am the only person working on the projects, I am not in search for new projects or distractions. Hence marketing does not interest me currently. I am afraid, marketing will bring in 90% noise and only 10% of valuable things to my work and even then servicing the 10% in time is not currently possible for me.
What are top benefits that your customers are getting?
Well, customers get someone who is willing to listen to their weird ideas and convert them into practical prototypes! Also, I bring in very ambitious innovations to make use of some of the latest technologies now available affordably in India, especially using opensource tools. Conventional design industry wont be able to service these middle-class customers simply because of the pricing limit.
What are your main challenges and how are you aiming to solve them?
I need versatile manpower to help me in the projects. And versatile means one must be willing to learn both mechanical engineering and electronics to start with, and be excited about it. If some ongoing projects are completed to success I will try to hire such people.
What are the future opportunities you foresee in your field?
There is a lot of demand for prototyping. Maybe I will scale up to more and more sophisticated prototypes.
What is the best piece of advice you have received?
Complete the projects that I have started.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out in your industry, what would it be?
Take one project, and complete it in all possible ways. Design your stuff as if it will be future ready.
What is your hobby? What best motivates you?
My work is my hobby. I also teach sometimes, do photography, read, etc.
What are the things that are indispensable in your life?
I need a workshop with tools around me and time to play with them.
What book has inspired you the most?
Currently I am reading Sapiens by Yuval Harari and its fantastic. Reading about scientists and their lives inspires me the most.
Whom do you look up to and why?
There are many makes on YouTube who put out great work and demonstrate great skills with nice video, so that people like me can learn. These random people inspire me.
Any reference links where our readers can find more about you and your firm?
Yes, my business website – www.smalldesign.in
Would you like to share a concluding note?
I think making things, food or craft or drawing or technology is a very nice exercise for anyone for body, mind and soul. That one can do as a small hobby and I think that will be a very pleasant lifelong experience.
The above conversation is the ‘Interview Series’ where solopreneurs, startups, entrepreneurs, professionals and SMBs share their stories and valuable insights.
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